Absolute unit, best pro clubs striker around. Bathes in glory. Never sherks a tackle. Well known for top corner goals, cutting inside and lacing them top bins. Family guy, always got time for the fans, loves himself. Also known to glide past the opposition, leaving them flabbergasted. Pops a few gaviscon before the game due to the heartburn but still plays like theyre in their prime.
by Captain leader legend June 13, 2020
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Daisy duke shorts worn by men in an athletic or non athletic nature. Usually worn by men name "bill" who may or may not harbour an unnatural fear of snakes.
I put my Dukes on today when I went for a run and kept them on at the office underneath my pants
by optigirl October 16, 2010
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A multiuse, versatile word just like "fuck". Its meaning is contextual and also up to interpretation. Some claim that it represents the main character in the game by 3D realms, Duke Nukem. Basically just do anything like Duke Nukem would.
1. Just Duke It!
2. I duked that guy right in the face.
3. Duke it out.
4. I'd duke her.
5. I pulled a duke in there.
by Beatcow July 8, 2006
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'hahahahhahaa duked'
by adm-tb January 31, 2009
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Duke is the warped word of "douche" and "dick". It is a highly offensive word when used since you are essentially calling someone a douche and a dick at the same time.
hey man, can i have some money to buy a sandwich? im really hungry
no man.

ah man dont be such a duke.
by kezen June 24, 2016
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refering to a person
you not like me duke
by Michael May 18, 2003
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-Another name for famous western movie star John Wayne.

-Slang term for the original Microsoft Xbox controllers that were very large and bulky.
"Duke was the star of that movie we watched last night."

"Do I need to bring a controller or do you have one?
No, its okay you can use the Duke."
by TribeofSimeon July 11, 2008
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