A word used mainly to describe a person (usually male) who isn't actually funny, nice, skillful, or smooth, and only gets talked to because he/she is somewhat attractive.
Person 1: Hey, I talked to Brian yesterday.
Person 2: Finally. What did he have to say?
Person 1: Well, he was actually pretty boring, awkward, and rude. I never would have guessed, seeing as how hot he is.
Person 2: Yeah, he sounds like a total douche.
by SickestPersonEver November 7, 2009
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Another tennis term when both players gets to 40 all. It is also a mispronouncation of Deuce. Ofter times, the serving player will call out another name (ie. Jason).
dude: Hey whats the score?
asdf: Its Douche
dude: Wat?
asdf: I mean its Jason.
by asdfgheyrjyulo November 5, 2009
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a feminine not male product use to clean a nasty ass reproductive organ of the female the vagina that smells of dead decaying flesh that man tend to flea from unless there a nimfo. not ment to clean your shithole. I wouldnt say this unless someone i know has tried this. but we all tend to take advantage of the word and were proud of it. we use it for slang to make people feel like stupid assholes for stupid shit they've done,did,do,said,mentioned, and pretty much anything you have to think about before doin it that might make people call u a douche u probably will be called a douche.
dude your such a douche

Boy:hey u wanna bone
Girl: no sorry i have to douche

Boy: nasty!! u better douche that pussy before i fuck that shit!
Sister: ok

dude your such a douch for using a douch floyd lol
by Small T July 5, 2006
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Someone that thinks they are better than you. Usually seen trying to get their name, followed by all their "great" qualities, in the Urban dictionary.
Person: Wow he thinks he's so great, he is such a douche
by Trashist January 12, 2017
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How people in Hollywood abuse espresso machines.
Can you believe it actors totally get coffee enemas and douche with coffee.
by elvis December 9, 2003
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1)Product used to sanitize an unpleasant, dirty vagina.
2)Used to describe an individual who has shown themselves to be very brainless, inconsiderate, or tacky in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vaginas.
3)To make a commitment with an individual and then break it without informing the individual you made the commitment with.
4) A term of endearment.
1) When I took a shower this morning I used Summer's Eve douche.
2) Look at that guy over there wearing the pink shirt with his collar popped, he's such a douche.
3) Joe: I'll be back in an hour to pick you up, make sure your ready.
Frank: Ok, don't douche me!!
4) What's up douche!
by Docta Dawe August 22, 2005
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