Having a girlfriend but not answering her calls because you feel overwhelmed. Letting people literally beat you to death without a care in the world. Having every single antidepressant and it's side effects memorized in your mind. Writing sad poetry to the point where it hurts to pick up a pen. Not showering for days because you can't force yourself out of bed. Sharp metals hidden in the drawer of your bed-table. Spending weekends alone because you can't find motivation to make plans, nor do you really feel like it. Not knowing what to do anymore because everything just leads to you crying with your hands over your ears, trying to block out the world. A romanticized disorder that SHOULD NOT be. Romanticized to the point where people suffering feel unworthy of treatment because they feel like a typical loser. Having more doctors than you can count. Blanking out of everything you know you knew at least a minute ago. Losing your friends because you "don't do enough." Wondering every night why it feels like no one loves you. Having your school become nosy because they want to keep their perfect reputation and they don't want fucked up students in their school. Being a social reject because you don't feel like talking. People always asking "why don't you ever smile?" Being the best at hiding things, you can never be sure everyone knows everything. Hating yourself.

not reading this whole thing
"I uh...have depression."
"omg me too! twins!"
*eyeroll* (there goes another potential friend)
by anti-desire February 9, 2020
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It's where the world is against you and the feeling of wanting to break down and cry is lingering around everyday of your life, most of the time you cant even explain why or how. you're just depressed. its mostly because all your problems build up on top of you until it crushes you and you feel depressed. most of the time its confused with sadness or being a drama queen or even crying for attention.. this isnt always the case people could be screaming for help on the inside but people will just deny it and have you believe nothings wrong and you'll be ok you just have to think happy.. this happened to me.. when i was 9 i became fat and i was bullied for a long time then my parents divorced when i was 11, my dad is was a horrible person to the rest of us including my mum, after a while he became really horrible to me and had my little sister as his favourite to the point where she would ask and within a few days she had whatever she wanted, during all this i was stress eating making myself fatter.. ive been fat most of my life im now 13 and everything hs caught up to me like my stresses and my dark thoughts to the point of self harming and trying to kill myself... make sure if you are depressed you speak to someone google a hotline.... for under 19s use childline.. life gets a bit much sometimes but it will be okay i promise :)
Teacher: oh Faith? yes shes really changed.. she refuses to eat and wont join in with school activities
Counselor: she may have mild depression then, make sure to reassure her that it will all be okay
by FaithTheTrash June 11, 2018
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the feeling and actual society. I'm often feeling invisible, overly sad, anxious, I get headaches, I don't give a flying shit about truly anything, I never want to leave my house, I'm always laying in bed bored, sad, tired. Depression gives you the feeling that everyone is against you. You're trapped in this awful mindset and yes it's hard to overcome! I have yet to overcome depression myself. Some people who don't deal with depression are dumb cunts who strongly believe in a " always positive lifestyle" which in my opinon is retarded and unhealthy! Not saying depression is healthy because god damn who in the right mindset would ever say that haha! Anyways depression is a bitch and not a easy story at all.
Kayla: "What's wrong Brad, why are you always sad?"
Brad: "You wouldn't nearly understand"
Kayla: "Lol, did your fish die or something.. just smile!?"
Brad: "I have depression you dumb bastard, in fact go fuck yourself that's not how it works"
by Sierralikescats July 22, 2018
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Depression is a horrible thing that can occur due to many reasons:

1: Bipolar Disorder
2: Having no friends
3: Bullies
4: Or every day just seems like a bad day to you

Sometimes you might feel like everyone is against you, sometimes you just want to go away and be alone until you die, and sometimes you really try making friends, but the assholes in your school couldn't care less if you were dead..

The best thing to do if you have a depressed friend, is not avoid them, this will make them even more depressed and lead them to suicide/ homicide. Don't tell them to "cheer up", because that reminds them of how sad they really are, and all that does is make them even more upset. That's like telling a person with Cancer to stop being sick. You should talk to that friend about why he/she's upset. Ask them about how they're feeling, and try to cheer them up, instead of telling them to do it on their own. It's not easy getting out of the deep, dark pits of depression by yourself, the only way to do it is if your friends will help you. You could easily save your friends life, because most depressed people show it clearly that they are depressed. All it takes is 5 simple words to start a conversation that could completely change this person's day from being a terrible day, to a great day: "Why are you so sad?".

About 276,000 Teenagers attempt suicide each year, and 5000 of them succeed!
Girl: What's wrong? Why are you feeling so bad?

Depressed Guy: No girl will ever date me, and everyone hates me. I have no friends, maybe I should just kill myself and get myself out of everyone's way. This depression is going to make me sad for the rest of my life...

Girl: Don't say that! Every girl in the school talks about how sweet and cute you are. If you kill yourself, I would never be happy again!

Depressed Guy: I have no reason to live, every day is the same thing: Get out of bed, go to school, go home feeling like dying. I haven't smiled in a very long time, and all of these people telling me to cheer up isn't making it any better. I don't know why people don't like me, I try my hardest to make friends, and I just go home with the same feeling every time, I always want to cry myself to sleep. The cycle doesn't end, until I finally pull the trigger.

Girl: Please don't kill yourself! You're an amazing person! You're smart, funny, cute, and talented, and if nobody else can see that, then that is their loss. I love you, and I never want to see you sad ever again!

Depressed Guy: Ok, thank you for the inspiration for me to live another day!

Girl: I'll see you at school tomorrow, and you can sit by me at lunch and we'll talk about this, ok?
by RMP1011 February 16, 2013
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Guy 1:Are u in a state of depression.

Guy 2: Na I'm listening to Juice Wrld
Guy 1: You're depressed then

Guy 2:why do you look emo

Guy 1: Because it's cold
by Patchito March 8, 2022
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