a dookie, is like a poop but in a more slang and rural voice & tone.
“Going to take a fat dookie”
Ugh, i’ve had to dookie all day
by smashingofthepumpkins September 23, 2018
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noun:A slang insult. "You're such a dookie!" noun: A mistake. "Oops, I made a little dookie." verb: Replaces the phrase "excuse me" after one passes gas. "**Ppppphhhhhtt** Dookie!"
"You're such a dookie!" "Oops, I made a little dookie." "**Ppppphhhhhtt** Dookie!"
by Grace March 5, 2004
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A term for money, Slang for 'Dollars' - $

See 'Trouble on Dookie Island - The Lonely Island'
1. You owe me some dookie.
2. I've got so much dookie.
by eddygun101 December 9, 2011
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While the word "dookie" has become derogatory slang, the word is actually a name:

1. A surname. Dookie is an English surname, having the same origins or being in reference to the title of Duke. It is derived from the latin word dux, which means leader. Variations of the name include Dukes, Dook, Dooke, Dookes,

2. The name of a town in Victoria, Austrialia.

3. The name of a University of Melbourne Campus.
"When did the Dookie family first arrive in Canada?"
"Dookie is a farming community"
"Dookie campus is transforming agriculture through education"
by 1e1even March 26, 2014
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Dookie is literally bird shit or piss. When you ever got a bird shit dropped on you, go take a shower cause it is sticky, smelly and disgusting.
Adam: What's a dookie?
Adam: Of course you would know, you know lots of dirty stuff so yeah I should've not asked.
by Wael blox December 17, 2020
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A wet lush pile of human fecal matter, the term "dookie" should be used only when the fecal matter is extra wet and lubricated.
I hope I get out of this interview soon, I've got to take a violent dookie.
by BronTron January 27, 2017
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Marijuana resin that builds up inside a smoking pipe.
Shit, I scraped my bowl for some dookie, smoked that shit, and got high as fuck.
by tylerrrrrrrr September 9, 2007
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