A skillet chug is the act of pouring a 12oz. can of beer into a skillet (dirty or clean) and then chugging the contents of the skillet without removing your lips from the edge of the pan. Any alcoholic beverage can be used (jungle juice, whiskey) but beer is the most common. A 2 in 1 is where 2 beer are poured in the skillet and the participant must drink both without removing their lips from the skillet. Chanting is encouraged by everyone watching and once finished the skillet is then passed to the next participant.
M: Hey let's beer bong some beers!
K: But we don't have a beer bong...
M: I guess we'll just have to drink them the plain old boring way.
S: We do have this skillet.....
by Dad's House RVa May 24, 2011
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The act of chugging a full 12oz draft beer in as casual a manner as possible. While normal beer chugs may bring attention to the chugger and put them at risk of being kicked out of the bar for being too drunk, the casual chug is done in a way that no attention is drawn to the person. A perfect casual chug is done under the radar in around 30 seconds, lulling those around almost to sleep while avoiding detection from bartenders, waitresses, managers or bouncers
"Wow, that casual chug was so casual I almost didn't even realize you got another beer."
by jvince August 12, 2015
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Last night I was chugging off to amateur milf porn and I shot my jizz 2 feet.
by TheChuggernaut July 10, 2015
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To chug an alcoholic drink by raising it in the air at full arm's length above your mouth and pouring the drink into your mouth from that position, drinking the entire contents of the drink.
Did you see that guy viking chug that whole beer. He didn't even get any booze on his shirt.
by J Kube January 6, 2009
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Being Chug-Jugged is like rickroll, but the song used is "Chug Jug with you"
My friend made this up so I wanted to make it famous lol 😅😄😄
Friend 1: *plays the chug jug song*
Friend 2: ???
Friend 2: Jokes on you I love that song >:
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When you are eating a bag of chips and come to the end where the pieces are so small that your only option is to tip the bag so the remainder ends up in your mouth.
"Trent was so hungry that when he ate all of the chips in the bag he decided to chip chug the crumbs."
by PuckChapple January 30, 2009
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