The feeling of having to shit that you get as soon as you hop in the shower.
I needed to get ready for my date, but then I got a case of the shower bowels. She never spoke to me again.
by idrathernotpod June 13, 2018
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Eating an excessively large meal.
Amiee: I think we ate enough food for 5 people. That was a real B.P.
Kent: B.P.?
Amiee: Bowel Pack
by ghost towne July 4, 2021
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when you take a crap so big (and possibly painful,) it's like you had a baby in the toilet.
When John came back from the restaurant bathroom, he told us that he had delivered a bowel baby.
by Iamtocool August 20, 2011
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When you start out on a run and realize that you're gonna have to change your route as soon as possible to include a stop by a public bathroom.
"Where'd you go? I totally lost you on that run."
"Dude. I totally had to bowel route."
"Ooooh. Yeah. Bowel routing is the worst."
by ObjectivityRach July 11, 2015
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When you're at a club/dance and you're getting super freaky with some girl from behind.
"Man did you see Henri last night? He was going around emptying bowels"
by Andy Myles September 6, 2007
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A raucous bowel movement experienced the day after the Super Bowl due to consumption of large amounts of chili, hot wings, and beer.
Dave, I had a Super Bowel this morning... no more buffalo wing hot sauce for me.
by californiatoilet February 8, 2010
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Jason Ceo.

A guy who will be so desperate for a bit of poontang he will lick a girls ass and bowels just for a small taste.
Look at that slimey guy trying to chirps ur girl, what a bowel cat!
by trimmer82 November 15, 2003
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