An extremely amazing person any girl would go to the moon and back for. A very sexy individual, who may be quite strange but is an amazing person at heart. Last name usually is: Smalridge (with only one "l" because they really ARE NOT small!)
Alex "oh boy a met someone last night"
Ronnie: "really, whats his name?"
Alex: "Blake!"
by BIG:KID January 29, 2009
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He is dangerously handsome and unusually nice making himself one of the greatest guys you will ever meet. He can completely capture your heart and most likely end world hunger or even lasso the moon if he tried.
Yeah that Blake can always make me smile =
by notecard February 9, 2010
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Blake Blake Blake, your so basic
by Tiny Terry :) January 1, 2020
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B..Blake protects his momma
L.Blake requires alone time aka fishing

A..Blakes motto do right by people
K.. Blake will not give up friends for a girl
E.Blake keeps life simple and drama free
Blake is the kind of man who enjoys the little things in life, a quiet fishing spot, his friends, a drama free mind and doing right by people. Blake is a simple kind of man
by PRETTY IN COPPER February 2, 2017
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A guy with a kind heart who will do whatever to makesure everyone is happy. Staggeringly handsome, a Blake is sure to catch every girl's eye. But be careful, he will seemingly choose every girl but you.
Girl 1: Woah who was that?
Girl 2: Oh that's Blake, he's hot isn't he?!
Girl 1: Yeah *sigh* but he'll never go for me..
by Louisaxxx651 April 23, 2010
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