"Binger"-(noun) an antisecond amendment beta male attorney, which suffers from flaccid penis syndrome, and self meditates by prosecuting true alpha males. Enjoys nights watching peaceful rioters set fires to small businesses, throwing rocks and homemade molatov cocktails at occupied family homes. Also a founder of the Convicted Pedo Hero Society.
Today I had a run in with one of the "BINGER'S" on the city council.
by UnicornFarts9623 November 16, 2021
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a pull , toke off a glass piece , or bong . usually refering to expensive marijuana .
bing bing son , its time for a binger . hey man , i'll turn you on to a binger if you do my dishes .
by keyser soce February 1, 2004
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To drink alchohol so excessively that one does not remember anything from the night before, but was involved in many humorous events. Originally created as a nickname for the alter ego of a person named Ginger.
1) Dude, you were so crazy last night! response Man... I pulled a binger.

2) "Uh, you were talking to Binger last night. She forgot to tell me about how she was dancing on the bar," says Ginger.
by Binter April 9, 2006
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Bingers are retards.
by valoem February 7, 2005
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A word used to describe a line of cocaine

aka track, rail, bump
Apb had no coke left so necro busted out a couple of bingers
by Apb420 October 30, 2006
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An elastic bands used by females to put their hair in a ponytail.
Yo girl ya bingers are BANGIN'!
by MadisonK December 12, 2007
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