A very classy lady who loves life and marches to the beat of her own drum.

She loves people and is very social but is also guarded and careful.

Aubreys are creative and interesting. A lot of men love Aubrey and want to know her but she is very selective and doesn't fall easily. If she spends time with you and falls for you, then don't mess it up!
I want to know that Aubrey lady!
by someonesilly August 6, 2020
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She is outgoing but gets lazy with her work, she is also fairly athletic, she may be as flat as board but she is still a thot. She can make anybody laugh and is a ball of energy if she has sugar she is a psychopath and is literally the best. She is not very good at hiding secrets and such but you still put all of your trust in her. Overall she is a badass bitch with intentions on becoming a stripper
That bitch over there likes Ben, who lives 3 hours away, yea her name is Aubrey.
by PoTaToFiSh05 November 26, 2019
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aubrey is fine
aubrey loves her bf more than me
by vanessuh June 14, 2021
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Aubrey is an amazing friend to have. She always has your back and you can always relie on her for your secrets. Alothough Aubreys' have a lot on their chest and will often hide it in the inside. She is popular, funny, smart, beautiful, loving, and athletic. All the boys end up liking her. She can be overprotective at times around her friends or her boyfriend. She us very muture and treats everyone with respect and love. She never takes things personal and is a great person to talk to because she won't find it rude or personal.
by Gabriella A. November 28, 2019
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verb - To pretend to be someone's friend, betray them and then lie about them behind their back. Very similar to the other definitions of aubreying which means to scam, betray, lie, or mislead. Aubreying, however, is not specific to any one situation and can refer to any scenario where the person is lead to believe one thing but then scammed/betrayed.
Joe logged in to Discord to find out he had been banned from several servers. His ex-girlfriend is totally aubreying him & lied to everyone that he was stalking her. This isn't the first guy she's aubreyed either.
by yourwinteriscoming October 22, 2020
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lets seem aubrey aubrey aubrey, this girl i've known since whu before pre-k. yezzurd, only person who i have NEVER absolutly NEVER had one argument, not even over a cookie !:D seriously i miss my babbehgurl. all my life i've been lookin for someone like her, and guess what i finally realized she was right in front of me this whole time. so back off our jock brreezzie, WHAT THE HEEZZIIE, you aint got no kneezie to come join our clubizzee ? ; cause you know hooow we doo itt !:D yup. bestfrend, cant deny. cause we are the peanut in the butter ?the j in the jellayyy. no0o0o absolutly no words can explain the love i have for my sister from a different mista, cause this is true frendship, and its better than even callin her a best frend forever. me personally? i call her my sister.
aubrey is the most AMAZING person you will ever mett. at 11:11 i wish i could chill with aubrey more :D
by michelle ;D November 24, 2007
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