A good hardworking people who have come a long way in American society and have overcome many things in this country ex. President Barack Obama.
It is a proud day to know that Barack Obama is our first African American president.
by respectfulandwise58 April 13, 2017
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The 155th name that negros want to be called. Previously, they wanted to be called colored, and before that it was black, before that it was nigger. The first name they were called was "beast".
Tom: 'Hey Joe, meet Tylenoya. She's black'
Tylenoya: 'I'd prefer to be called African American, because I am offended by being called black.'
by poppaa February 6, 2013
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a name that white people call black people even though most of them have never been to africa ever in their intire lifes and dont plan on going some people think we should change the term to compton americans or jersey american or atl. americans
yo fool that african american dude.... i cant think of an example
by y doc November 20, 2006
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A ridiculous way that many Americans (Primarily United States) refer to a person of the Negroid race of peoples.

Considering that not all black people are of the United States of America (or even of the Americas in general), this can lead to falsely classifying someone.
Person 1: Look at that group of African Americans.
Person 2: Dude. Those guys are British.
by TR:EU March 28, 2011
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A politically correct term for Americans of African descent. Usually refers only to people of sub-Saharan (black) ancestry, not to people of North African ancestry, who are usually considered Arabs. White Americans who were born in Africa, or descended from Europeans in Africa, as in the case of South Africa or Zimbabwe, are not referred to as "African Americans." Most black Americans in casual conversation use the term "black," instead of "African American." Yet liberal whites, and those afraid of offending blacks, will use the term "African American," often out of white guilt for discrimination. White people who feel comfortable with their whiteness, and who don't feel responsible for slavery because they weren't alive before the Civil War, usually hate the phrase "African American." On the other hand, many black Americans, who don't believe that black people can be racist, often call whites a variety of mean names. I suggest new terms for all American groups, such as: Celtic-American, Slavic-American, Anglo-Saxon-American, Nordic-American, Latin-American (as in French, Italian, etc.), Hispano-American (for Spanish-speaking countries), indigenous aboriginal American, Hebrew Semitic-American, Arab Semitic-American, mixed European Caucasian American, Asiatic-American, Indo-Hindustani American, etc.
I enjoy dining on traditional African American cuisine, including greens and sweet potato pie. My white Southern grandmother cooked the same food, but I feel racist when I eat it. If I call Southern cooking African American cuisine, it relieves my shame over being white.
by slickbillie August 16, 2009
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-aint as bad as u think
-some have beautiful hearts
-made hip-hop (the music genre we all like)
African-American 1: sup n*gga lookit u want some (insert substance).
African-American 2: hell to the naw- hey imma tell u I ain't trippin' no more on this shit.
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A "politically correct" term white people use to refer to black people in an attempt to "not be racist", when in reality calling a black person BLACK would be "politically correct", and is in no way racist, in opposition to a white person calling a black person "nigger", which still isn't racist because Irish people were called nigger long before black people since it means "slave".
Politician: We need to address the issues of the African American community more directly!

Black person: Shut da fuck up wit dat shit whitey! I'm motherfuckin' black, and dat's it!
by OVER 9000! September 7, 2009
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