One of the best kpop boy bands that have debuted. The debuted back in 2010, on July 10th. They are also very young, the youngest members being 16. They are amazing in every way possible. They are talented, hot, cute, and make every noona turn into a pedo-noona! Composed of members Chunji, L.Joe, Ricky, Niel, Changjo, and Cap. Teen Top has the most infectious and addictive songs you will ever hear. They are only rookies but have a big future planned ahead of them. TEEN TOP HWAITINGG~!
Did you see Teen Top's performance yesterday? They are so cute!

Omg! I love Teen Top!

I got that Supa Lu-u-u-u-uv~

Clap clap clap clap mad man!
by kpoploverr May 3, 2011
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To do back flips and dance your ass off like a moron atop a moving vehicle. Just like Michael J. Fox did in the film Teen Wolf. It is usually accompanied by your buddy bumping some loud and obnoxious music from the vehicle's stereo system.
My friend just got a new Chrysler last night and I was teen wolfing up and down the Strip while he was bumping some loud ass music down below, I couldn't really understand what the song was over the police sirens, we went to jail.
by DirtyXVegas October 1, 2009
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A teenage speech defect, mostly found in teens during their awkward phases, where a teen tends to speak or sing while their tongue is touching the upper front teeth, or when teens speak with an unnecessary gust of breath.
Fogell aka McLovin' from the movie Superbad talks funny, like he has a teen lisp.
by Gernez January 3, 2008
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When a guys penis is soooo small, it makes you want to turn away unable to figure out if you should laugh at him or have sex with him because you feel so damn bad!
Laura was unable to suck Scotts dick because she was laughing so hard at his teen peen.
by Alison, Laura and Erin March 13, 2004
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A group of teenagers from Jeddah, they are usually vaping, at Red Sea mall 99% of the time, online dating, annoying, or degenerates
Person1: hey did you see sara and her friends gossiping?
Person2: ugh i hate jeddawi teens
by somerandomgigachad April 1, 2022
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An extra-regular young hot female with rude attitude and straight bitch-face.
Hey Mark, I think I saw a nympho-teen. She was walking through the halway like a complete bitch.
by kingpablo November 8, 2017
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