1. verb to mess up

2. verb to do something in the action of derpiness
I totally derped up when I broke Leo's sunglasses.
by Future Echo January 1, 2017
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1.wow that was a derped move
2.abby is so derped
by Sk8girl22 October 31, 2018
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Derpping is a term used when someone is doing some completely stupid action. In which makes other slightly or highly pissed off.
*announcer*: your team lost.

teacher: what's 1+3=?
Dennis: ummm pickles?
by Bfwpain November 4, 2011
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The state of being scared and coughing simultaneously.
*is frightened by something while beginning to cough*
"oh, I'm derping! This is awful!"

"kevin derped"

"i think Jim is having a derp fit, let's go check on him"

"Turg often scares himself with his coughs, he's a real derper.(possible, but not commonly used)"
by Grognak The Destroyer December 4, 2020
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Expression used in multiple ways. Usually used to describe an obvious or stupid situation.
Example 1: "Monica is meeting us at 7pm here" "What time?" "Derp"
by Zack Alv March 26, 2008
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when ones eyes go every which way. Usually dogs such as pugs derp.
whats wrong with your dog? Her eyes are going everywhich way.

dude. shes just derping.
by derpderpdog June 19, 2010
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Derp- noun/verb/adverb/adjective: a very complex infrastructure that is only accessible when the gateway to your soul has been compromised by your true emotions.
#1- Hey, whats up?

#2- Derp.
by Derpman1324 June 19, 2011
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