Word used for someone who is a friend or somebody who is younger than you. Short for "nipper".
by NiP19 May 9, 2018
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(Welsh Slang) To call someone “nip” is to flirt and give hints to the possibility of sexual intercourse.

"Did you hear Gwen wanted to nip him last night?"

“Alright nip”
Alright nip
by MadmanD September 2, 2019
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A slang expression used to show distaste or disappointment.
"Bro, did you see the Travis Scott music video"
"Yeah it was kinda nips"
by Sid, Piti , Daniel and Oliver September 23, 2020
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When one puts their Index finger close to someones faces and says "Nip".
A form of disrespect
Put your Index finger close to the persons face and say "Nip".

"Hey Byron, I have your deodorant can from the party in my pocket dude, here you go. NIP".
by Biggest Chiller October 30, 2019
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