Gabe or Ron are usually people who do random stuff at random times and are sometimes weird they also like weird cheap mobile games especially games about balloons.
Friend: Hey let’s hang out with Gabe/Ron

Other friend: no
Other friend: because it’s Gabe/Ron he’s just going to be weird and play mobile games
by TheBananaLord April 29, 2022
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is a fag
“gabe/tony likes dick he’s such a fag
by ghostface549 March 21, 2023
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someone who really likes pineapple and loves his cat and is the best character in a game
Gabe Helmy is really cool
by worthlesskid February 8, 2019
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1. Oh my God stacy he's such a gabe helmy.

2. My brother wants to be a Gabe helmy.
by Anneleise October 7, 2019
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A youtuber, not very well known with his platform, with about 700k subscribers. He is very underrated in my opinion, but some may disagree. He is often associated with the fruit pineapples.
Person 1: god, I hate youtubers.
Person 2: but Gabe Helmy is amazing!1!1! *attacks person one*
by pineapplehelmy October 14, 2021
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A name you call someone whenever they get triggered if you don't support pineapple on pizza. This was first a meme on a channel "Gabe Helmy"
Person 1: Pineapples don't belong on pizza!
Person 2: Why, they belong on pizza. Your opinion doesn't count.
Person 1: Are you a Gabe Helmy?
by hi2930 May 27, 2020
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