When a junkie accidentally wipes the soot and ash from smoking smack (H) on tinfoil across their face, resembling war paint.
Check out that bum… he’s looking like a skid row Apache with that “junkie war paint” on his face.
by McCarthy giagantadick January 8, 2022
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Someone who is in a deep addiction to drugs
by Junkymanly November 30, 2022
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New trier kids who think vaping is cool
Person 2: “Jesus those kids are fucking junkies
by Holiday_Choco March 6, 2023
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And there are plenty of rich junkies dawg. Are you kinding me? Nikki sixx? Russell brand (not any more but still)? Everyone on Epstien's list? Joe biden's son? You're perfectly fine with people spending their money on impulsive pleasure! You're not doing anything to stop ANY them from indulging in their impulsive pleasures. You're paying to feed their addiction every time you buy a ticket or vote for Biden (not that you would vote for Biden). Like the redistribution of wealth, the spending of money on impulsive pleasure is already happening. You dare use my own spells against me Potter? Did you think that would stump me? So what makes Russel so special? He's one of the special golden chosen people! He SHOULD have all of the money because he deserves it more. *Insert existential superiority claim here* He can... read the things I write... Like... Real good dawg... So he can do all the drugs he wants... And then use his money to go to a place to get off the drugs... and then live off the money forever... and generate wealth with his likeness...
Hym "Saying we can't give poor people money because they will spend it on drugs and become junkies is like saying we can't let anybody go to a Motely Crew concert because they are going to spend the money on drugs. Ridiculous. The position of redistributing money is may simplistic but your position is ridiculous.'
by Hym Iam February 27, 2023
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Woah that guy Jules is Junky! You could say he’s Junky Jules!
by Benzy February 7, 2020
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Junky dump- When ones' shit smells like that of a homeless person or a drug addict. This is likely due to malnourishment or the effects that said drugs can reak havoc on the body. The smell is quit pungent and often resembles an aroma of death or a washed up deceased sea lion on a hot beach
Man1-"Do you smell that dead sea lion?"
Man2- "Dude that was me. I just took a junky dump "
by Fattygio July 11, 2017
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A pleasure junkie is a girl or guy who is so insanely in love with someone they are constantly rubbing on them, touching their arm, wanting to always be with them, or the mere thought of them puts them in such a complete state of happiness or bliss that the love they have for them grows more and more.
Damn, Brianna's always touching Michael's arm, I think she's a Pleasure Junkie
by PleasureJunkie August 18, 2018
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