Smoking bongs in a moving vehicle. Can also be extended to driving to a carpark/spot and smoking in the parked car.
by Diego November 13, 2003
Someone who’s x box is ether broken or outdated. Or they get it to play outside the house to look cool
by Im_chaos December 2, 2021
by LXXLoveRoulette August 4, 2023
this word is used for people with trash internet reaching from a mile away this word was used in juke - football fusion streams alot and now has envolved into the world used mobile reach now and mobile has 60 fps why pc players get more so mobile its alot more laggier
bro he takled me in football fusion he got mobile reach
bro i went through him i got mobile reach
bro fix your wifi you got mobile reach
bro i went through him i got mobile reach
bro fix your wifi you got mobile reach
by jukes231 March 7, 2022
A car that can only be driven by the best, the only MoistCr1tical. The Moist Mobile is the most powerful car, fast, durable, moist and very critical.
by somegoober October 8, 2023
This is when you have a car and can drive meaning you can have sex anywhere and at anytime because you now have a place, and a way to get there.
by Imissmyexpleaselethimtakemebac February 8, 2022
The delay between a traffic light turning green and the cars beginning to move due to the drivers looking at their mobile devices.
I had to wait through the same traffic light multiple times due to the mobile lag in the cars ahead of me.
by GPLongwood April 23, 2013