When you are very unlocked, or zoned out. Either or, its a sign to get focused.
John says,” C’mon bro, you gotta lock in.”

Chris says,” Sorry bro, I’m mintee right now”
by Expensivecow283 May 12, 2022
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A little working class city right outside of Charlotte. It is currently experiencing a lot of growth.
Mint Hill sounds like a cool place to live.
by Death Menace April 12, 2023
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The flying mint cat of randomness is a ancient cat that will grant you one wish and you can teleport to one show or anime
"Have you heard about the Flying Mint Cat of Randomness I heard it lives in you closet"~random person
by Firewolf 360 December 16, 2015
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A plant that some one could use for the name of weed that He or She is growing to avoid getting chewed out by an angry parent.
Worried Mother: Seth what are you growing in that bag?
Seth: It's a Mint Plant
Worried Mother: O.K. i love you honey make good decisions
by Feedyamutha November 30, 2008
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