someone who pretends to be on your side but does everything in there power to make you look stupid
james got kicked off the record label; but was rehired later; hes now an hostile witness towards the record Label
by the juroy January 29, 2020
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A secret organization that spies on and targets people for their feminism and their machist purposes.
I hate the Jehovah's Witnesses, and so it gives me nausea.
by bitchdipshit February 21, 2021
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A religion that's losing more members than gaining.

JWs are generally very kind and loving people, although they are very stubborn when hearing facts from non JWs.

The religion is very strict and organized throughout the whole earth.

They all teach the same things, and believe the same things.

They go from door to door teaching people about the bible, and if accepted, they may start a bible study and the person may eventually become baptized.
However, they never force people to accept them and their beliefs.

It's considered dangerous and a to make friends outside the religion, which is one of the reasons it's considered a cult.

Unlike popular belief, pedophiles are kicked out of the congregation, and are reported to the police.

The religion has high requirements, so many infact, that many people can't even be baptized because they don't or can't meet standards. And due to the strict standards, many people are leaving the religion or being disfellowshipped, especially ones that grew up with it.
Person 1: Those Jehovah's Witnesses are nice people, but they are so strict I could never be a part of their religion.

Person 2: Yeah, if I joined I wouldn't last long, it's not worth it, even though I agree with their beliefs on the bible.
by Raptarex May 22, 2020
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One who lives by the bro code, and persistently shoves the bro code down people's throats, mainly his/her close friends. Eventually crosses the line of douchebaggery.
One friend was concerned about the other about losing him to his girlfriend. Not expressing much tactfulness, he dropped the phrase "bros before hoes."

The following status was found on said friend's Facebook timeline:
"I respect those who look out for me, but when you shove the bro code down my fucking throat like you're a gebrovah's witness, that's past where I draw the line. "Bros before hoes..." kindly eat a bag of dicks."
by PyGuy March 4, 2014
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With it/ with depending on how u use it
John: damn steve is pulling. Did you see his story?
James: hell yeah. He nice wit
by Sneckzy March 7, 2020
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An abbreviation for the term for "witerally me" when seeing something relatable
I am wit batman as i need to protect gotham
by witasquid September 12, 2023
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