A slang mixing the word whore and C-U-Next tuesday!
Lee is such a CORE. She is the CORE of Virginia!!
by Vaud3 Queer April 2, 2009
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What's not on the surface (skin color, hair color, eye color, height, weight, skills, and so on). Who someone really is (who they were growing up).
The core would be the part of the book that isnt the cover. It doesn't have to be open to contain information about someone.
by Solid Mantis November 7, 2020
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Fake slang I told my friend just too mess with her. If she finds this she probably feels like a dumbass while reading this. It’s supposed to be a result of autocorrect being dumb idk it was an In the moment thing.
Oh duck.” Nice cores
by Somerandomacount790 August 31, 2021
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Core is a forest dilf who guards a forest, you must wonder how this creature is a dilf? Well that's easy, he has adopted mushroom children that run around the place. And this forest dilf is very attractive despite it's animal school. It has scrumptious vol
Wow that character looks like Core
What- who's Core?
Shows definition
Oh, so you need intense therapy? Got it :D
by Tamaki Amajiki simp August 5, 2021
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A platform that is about to take over Roblox
dude: Roblox is the best!
dude2: FUck roblox yay core
by Nyan dog October 13, 2020
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1) The center of something, such as the core of an Apple, or the Earth’s core
2) A term popularly used in fan fictions/lemons that means vagina.
1) The core of the Earth is the very center of our planet.
2) Her core was dripping wet, silently begging to be mounted.
by I’m a Random Stranger February 5, 2018
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