A strange humanoid creature at the RWTH university, that makes students more concentrated, through its carefully notice writing and explaining what the shit the professors are talking about
Sandy B tut lecker Frühstücken in Lutz in Friedrichshafen mit ihrer Mama, Papa und dem kleinen Schatz.
by Ahhmmmja November 8, 2022
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When you wrap ham slices around a sandpaper roll and either shove it up someone's anus or fuck it.
"Eh there bud, I got a Hammy-Sandy from Jona last night my ass was burning all night long."
by LE FUju March 11, 2021
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When you are at a place with lots of sand and it gets in your ass crack.
Dude! I got a sandy crack while at the beach!
by Chrisaaron1@icloud.com May 11, 2016
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