A person of mediocre/ average skill who feels the need to inflate their ego and claim to be good at every game challenged at. They attack unprovoked, throwing insults and curses towards anyone who slightly opposes them or kills them. Once they realize they aren't good enough to defeat a certain player, they resort to racial slurs and babble to annoy the opposing player. An Xbox Live Dick's bio is usually with sentences like " I'm unstoppable at Halo 3" or " I'm MLG at Call of Duty 4" and deragatory remarks towards women. Xbox Live Dicks infest the confines Gears of War 2 and can be easily found anywhere there is an Execution match going on.
*Xbox Live Dick's Bio*

Whad' up? This is Tre bitches. I play Gears of War 2, Halo 3 and Cal of Duty 4 and destroy noobs all day. I bus' that ass on Gears and I beat up my bitch's coochie all day baby. I'm MLG so send me an invite if you want to get smashed. Word out.
by Cold Nigga July 22, 2009
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The period of time between an an expired Xbox Live membership and a renewed Xbox Live membership.

People who have owned at least one 12 month Xbox Live subscription and put it to good use are most affected by this phenomenon.

For most it is a rebirth of new life in the world, and many discover that there is in fact a world outside of their home and Xbox Live.
Joe: Omg I have no money to renew my subscription for Xbox Live and Modern Warfare 2 just came out!!

Joe: I hate Xbox Live Deprivation!!

(Joe then decides to cry while eating gallons of ice cream and watching soap operas. But before he does this he notices a strange new door in his home; he opens it and there is a seemingly infinitely large room with a soft green carpeted floor and white cotton like substances moving around on a light blue ceiling near an immense light bulb that shines on everything around him. He then notices other people running around and having fun. It's beautiful and brings a tear to his eye.)

Joe: What is this strange and wonderful new world?!?
by The Super Ninja November 13, 2009
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The little kid that has a squeeky voice and gets everyone else irritated. And just remember this fact: Mics make your voice deeper, I'd hate to hear that kid in person. Also known as the ones who whine when it comes to loosing at a game. Not only that, but when they can't end a fight they began, they start using the "N" word! As they grow up, they will have a f'ed up life, tweeking out when someones says "GRENADE!" or "CAMPER!". Oh and one more thing, their parents fail. I mean, what kind of parent lets a 9 year old play this sort of stuff?! I mean, can you imagine seeing these sort of kids in school? THEY MUST BE BANNED, THE MUTE BUTTON ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!
Me: ROFL I spy noob sniper (throws semtex at Xbox Live Midget)

Xbox Live Midget:(irritating squeeky voice the kills your ears) Wow u sad nig*** u suck wow suck my (not even 1cm) dick.

Me: (hits the mute button) -t bags-

Xbox Live Midget: (keeps repeating the "N" word though i'm not black and yells out random things)

Xbox Live Midget in school: (constantly thinking of the words hayabusa and snipers)
by PTRS Noob December 14, 2009
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The term is usually used in the popular shooter game "Halo 3 ." "Xbox Live Warriors" are people who don't die when they're no-shields. Xbox Live warriors are usually people with amazing connections and their bullets always registers in every game. Although other people shoot them, their bullets never registers and the "warriors" end up killing them.
Person1: Wow dude that guy is one-shot my X!
Person2: What! I put 5 shots onto him and he just won't die!

People such as Tensor and Snip3down are Xbox Live Warriors.
by Etsah August 21, 2009
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A person who you met over xbox live but you feel as if you found your best friend in the whole entire world! You and that person can talk about anything and laugh at everything. You text and talk and wish that you lived side by side. You and your xbox live best friend thinks they were seperated at birth.
xbox user 1: They talked all day yesterday and text all the time. Are you sure they arnt related?

xbox user 2: nope they have never met (or have met once)

xbox user 1: Ohh then they are just xbox live bestfriends
by TFOGCNiki,heyitsniki7 December 11, 2009
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A girl who regularly goes on Xbox Live to get guys, or rather their attention. This said girl is usually too pathetic and unattractive in real life to get attention from males, so they go on Xbox Live where their sheer voice alone would attract dozens of followers. Xbox Live Whores like to stay in parties or "clans" where there are no other females, allowing her to control and manipulate the males in the group in order to get the attention she craves. Xbox Live Whores like to also go into private chats with one or two members of the group, allowing her to divide the once peaceful brotherhood and force the males in the group to compete over her affection. These girls are usually darker haired or emo, and slightly overweight. Their natural habitat was strictly Halo 3 custom games, but massive communities of Xbox Live Whores have migrated to Call of Duty 4 and Left 4 Dead.
Cupcake Pandemic: Hey J4MINTHESYST3M my bestest friend!

J4MINTHESYST3M: Hey babe whats up?

Combine902: What I thought I was your best friend.

Cupcake Pandemic: I don't know J4MINTHESYST3M has been really nice to me in the past few days so he's my new bff.

Cel3stial: Guys don't fall for her trickery. She's simply an Xbox Live Whore...

J4MINTHESYST3M: Well Combine looks like we're gonna have to fight it out then bitch.

Combine902: Bring it nigga.

Edg3d Sph3re: Dick!
by Cold Nigga July 22, 2009
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When people talk excessively in the lobbies of Xbox Live games.
Dude, can we quit having Xbox Live sex and start the game?!
by Halo Tricky January 5, 2005
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