Why the fuck are you looking up tree in a dictionary? Fine, I'll tell you. They're those giant sticks with leaves on them.
You're a fucking dumbass for looking up "tree" in the dictionary.
by BiggieCheese'sAss January 30, 2018
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Someone ho is very tall
....like a tree
Hey tree! Whats the weather like up there tree!?
by TREE IN DA HOOD September 8, 2015
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Verb: To go 'tree' on someone or something, meaning to go absolutely crazy, mad or ape-shit mental.

Generally used by fans of dubstep and/or stoners.
"I'm gonna go tree on you!"
"Dyu remember that guy who went tree at the party last night and broke the window?"
by dubberz January 16, 2010
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nickname for a very tall and lanky person.
hey Tree, how tall is you?
by waf March 2, 2004
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almost a synonym for awesome and everything great and cool. they are wonderful living things that are far superior to humans. they also provide home to animals, shade, fruit and berries, something to sit under or just stare at, something to play hacky sack under, something to climb, something to hug, something to protect with your life. trees are more than just things to cut down to build houses. we need to pretect them from things like weyerhaeuser and george bush, or they will all die, and thus, we will die, because we cannot survive without them, no matter how much you think you can.
i really dont need to give an example.
by Depth Sun February 22, 2005
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To play out of one's mind in any racquet sport, especially tennis.
He treed like a banchi yesterday against Agassi.
by Bill April 9, 2004
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