An inside reference to the genitalia of one, Jacob. This is due to the fact that said non-circumcised penis suspiciously resembles a thumb, sans the nail. Upon closer examination (a daunting task in and of itself) this third 'thumb' is quite grotesque and awkwardly suited for aural insertion. Beans are meat.
by Traust May 20, 2008
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A women with a large clitoris, usually when erect, but sometimes large even before arousal.
"Ohhh- weee look at that thumb, pressin up against her panties. Thang big as hell, finna pop out!"
by atm TJ July 31, 2019
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"I used the thumb on Karen last night. It was amazing."
by Dahlia A.N. April 9, 2019
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a very stupid and ignorant asshole who always thinks he's right
by Anonymous June 29, 2003
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A very funny, very good looking, rugged type male, with thumb like qualities and tendancies toward arrogance and poor driving skills. Also known for his excessive blinking and oil. It is usually easy to tell when he has been eating, especially powdered donuts. Can be located by performing a thumb-scan.
Ali: where is thumbkin where is thumbkin?
Thumb: here i am! here i am!
by shrew February 4, 2005
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The act of verbal coitis or intercourse via text message
by Uncle tooth December 1, 2009
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