The pattern that is created on one's pants when they accidentally urinate on them self and the urine runs down both legs.
"Dude, that guy's passed out and he pissed himself."

"Wow his bladder must have been full... nice piss horseshoe!"
by Mrs. P August 4, 2012
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a sexual act involiving the female to drop a load in her own vag. it involves the woman pooing and arching it into her vagina and then horseshoeing it back and forth. with enough practice you can perfect the balance. first performed by newton to demonstrate the laws of gravity
Riki was confused when Danielle said that she wanted to practice the horseshoe maneuver that night.
by Rob and Kevin Esquire September 16, 2007
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Female genital hair that starts at the naval and ends at the tailbone.
She dropped her panties and the bitch had a hairy horseshoe thicker than a briar patch.
by neophotus September 15, 2010
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When a male's member is so large that it can be bent downward and inserted into his own anus.
"You know what? Fuck you and your shitty East Bay friends. You all can sit around HAYWARD HORSESHOEING yourselves; I'll be in SF."
by malconsidine February 3, 2006
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Someone who has a run of luck is said to have a "horseshoe lodged" deep within the nether regions. Usually after a long string of beating improbable odds and reaping the benifits of their luck.
Brett Murray just gave me another bad beat, he had a two-outer! I swear that he has a lodged horseshoe tonight.
by Timmah17 March 29, 2006
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It's called horseshoe theory because all the people at either extreme tend to have been kicked in the head by a horse when they were kids.
Kill all the kulaks! They are a subversive element that is a danger to civilized society!
Kill all the Jews! They are a subversive element that is a danger to civilized society!

-Horseshoe theory in action
by I support whatever is funni November 6, 2022
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When two girls are stacked on top of each other and you use a double sided dildo analy on them
That lesbian couple really likes rusty horseshoes
by Garrettb125 June 20, 2016
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