When people are annoying as fuck asking everyone to swipe up on their stories
Swipe up💯💯💯😍💸🎉✨
by Harleyhuntlol July 19, 2017
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What you and your friends say to another friend who is so addicted to swiping on Tinder to the point that he/she neglects their social group (or any social interaction for that matter). The phrase is announced every time your friend opens/uses Tinder, and should be announced repeatedly until your friend finally gets irked and puts their phone down.
Michael: Hey do you guys wanna hang for a bit after class?
Hannah: Yeah sure
Adam: I'm down
Michael: What about you Melinda?
*no response*
Adam: *whispers* I think she's on Tinder again...

Everyone: Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! SWIPER NO SWIPING!

Melinda: *puts phone down* Awww man!
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 27, 2020
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On Snapchat, when you send your crush a risky text and they text you back, or when someone you don’t like texts you, you simply press down on that person’s name and swipe it halfway to see their message without it being marked as read.
Person 1: Bro, Monique just texted back, what do I do?
Person 2: Don’t worry bro, just half swipe that shit
by mrjigsaw November 10, 2020
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when a courtesy flush does not do the trick and skid marks are still present, a shit swipe is in need. When you flush the toilet and the water receeds, grab a handful of toilet paper and "swipe" the skid marks. this should leave your toilet bowl clean.
That shit i just took was so large, i had to shit swipe.
by billy dave April 18, 2009
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Continuously swiping right on every person on Tinder to see if you get any matches.
I did a suicide swipe on Tinder and matched with this fucking weirdo that won't stop messaging me.
by Becca2397 November 11, 2015
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When a girl steals a guy from another girl. Female version of Rack Jacking.
"God the Mia girl is such a bitch, she tried pipe swiped Olivia's boyfriend!"
by I WIN AGAIN April 26, 2010
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