Straight up posted is where you look really good. It comes from when you have a really good-looking photo and post it online.
by Rupertpembot January 12, 2023
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Save your school supply coupons and use them tax free weekend. Some of your purchases will be for free.
Now that's a straight up hook up!
by RastaMermaid August 14, 2008
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Box 1: "I don't think I can see him anymore. He asked to do anal on our first time."
Box 2: "Gurl, I don't believe you. What exactly did he want to do?"
1: "He asked if I wanted to do it doggy style. Ugh, NO! You can't get in there for atleast a week...maybe two!"
2: "You dumb ass bitch! He didn't want to go in your badonkadonk. You don't know what you sayin'."
1: "He wanted STRAIGHT UP DOGGY STYLE! and he has to wait OR PAY to put his pipe in that drain."
2: "You a fool...and a slut!"
by Confused Hooker in SE November 10, 2007
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When someone does anything that is awesome or when something awesome happens that reminds you of watching Jason Bourne from the Bourne films and books.
Brian "Hey man i just beat this guy up with a dictionary"

Manny "Dude, that's some straight up Bourne shit"

Manny "Dude check me out"

Manny then proceeds to jump from a roof through a window on the adjacent building

Brian "That's some straight up Bourne shit"
by MannyET December 16, 2009
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A phrase to concisely describe a ruthless, vicious mauling, that leaves the victim dazed and confused.
"Did you see what Claire did to Max just now?!"
"Yeah brah, straight up bear violence."
by fubarbarian October 18, 2016
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A different way of asking someone if there for real
Guy1"Oh my fucking god i just got hit by 20 trucks"
Guy2"Are you a straight up cuzz"
Rhinoese"nah i dont think he is"
Guy2"ohk what the heaven"
by Hunter williams August 23, 2009
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A cool compliment that can be used in any situation.
My mum got me floor seats to the Harlem Globetrotters!!

Holy shit ... that's straight up hip hop.
by Upyerkilt333 January 12, 2022
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