small Asian girl: A short, skinny Asian girl. Usually has at least three eating disorders, and, although in immediate danger of death by malnourishment, is concerned with obesity.
All Asian girls are sags.
by [hova] March 21, 2005
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to wish someone death by ingesting a live grenade. Swallow a grenade
Joe: Hey Phil, your car is gay
Phil: oh yeah Joe, well sag (swallow a grenade)
by philfromphilly March 3, 2007
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Pronounced sAg like bag.

n. The name for the vagina when it becomes old and begins to sag.

adj. Describing something as so amazing that your vagina falls to the ground.

exclamation. Used in extreme moments of excitement.
example noun- I'm so old my sag is dragging on the ground.

example adj.- That pizza was so saggy!

example exclamation- Just saw your best friend. "SAG!"
by barc87 January 9, 2012
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Okay well theres this girl jessica and me and my firend dared her to sag her saggy ass tits in my friends brother face after ripping her robe off and showing her bare nakie body as on top of him...well she kept sayin wen can i do this wen can i do this ever sicne then..shes known as sags not only beczuse she got dared to do it but its tru and she has saggy ass tits! her tits are actually so saggy that they make her have a huge hunchback!
Sags stop havin a fuckin hunchback
by Brittany December 2, 2004
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when a gay male is looking for a gay mate
why do you have sagging pants”
“i’m looking for a gay boyfriend”
by purple cherry tree June 25, 2021
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an offensive word that is said to a person who did anything displeasing to you.
"I can't believe you did that, you Sag!"
by imran sag astum July 11, 2008
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Simply put, a code name men us when it comes to "Spit A Game", S.A.G.S, allows guys to claim the woman w/o her noticing when around guys
"Life is about Sagging"
"Hey Jon im gonna SAG on this one"
by teh mishu July 8, 2005
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