Used to indicate that a plan or idea has fallen through.
Example 1.
Person A: "Hey man, are we going to the mall today?"
Person B: "Nahh, it's my grandma's birthday so my family wants me to come to see her."
Person A: "Dammit."
Person C: "rip"

Example 2.
Person A: "Yo, we gunna make those grilled cheese sandwiches?"
Person B: "Ahh we could have but I forgot the cheese."
Person A: "rip"
by furryflycat January 31, 2016
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1. To be stoned or high out of ones mind by the means or weed.
2. To look very muscular and built.
3. To take information off a portable device. Usually a CD.
1. Dude, you were totality ripped off that bong.
2. Arnold Schwarzenegger was ripped back in the day.
3. Bob ripped the music off the CD and put it on his computer.
by Tris_tan September 3, 2007
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Herman Cain, Ron Wright, Larry King, Dawn Wells, Nick Cordero,Charley Pride, Roy Horn,and your grandparents may they all RIP.
by Kat'O9 February 9, 2021
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Correction being ripped doesnt have to mean alot of muscle, you can have a little muscle but have VERY low bodyfat, making your muscles look super defined.
i wanna get a ripped body
by punkassbitch December 11, 2004
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