Paper Back. As in a paperback book. Yeah, I'm a library nerd.
You ask what "PB" stands for? It's the paperback section. I'll show you where it is.
by katie tran July 4, 2004
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Paper bag. If a girl is real ugly and you wouldnt do shit with her unles she had a paperbag over her head.
"eww, that girls sick. What a nasty pb.
by Dave November 16, 2003
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"PBS" Means parents behind shoulder can be used in the text or voice chat. Commonly used by teenages but sometimes young adults.

Can be used like so...

:I'm watching PBS.

:How's PBS doing?

:I'm reading that new called PBS.
Gary: Hey what up

George:so I'm watching right now

Gary: Cool Ijust finish watching PBS

George:Talk later
by ludicer November 22, 2009
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You saw the new episode of Pb?
-Yeah, it was awesome !
by AngryAngel July 31, 2008
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Prision Bitch
Man that show is so my PB.
by g + e x 2 + k = geek November 28, 2003
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o btw mate, i hope you uv got PB on the dload!
by Stevie^T! January 15, 2008
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I don't care if I can have a conversation with her, I like my women PBS.
by chuckers611 November 10, 2008
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