Native American slang for many words, such as "Not even" or "Get outta here" second word used in situations if someone is bragging about something you know ain't true.
Person 1: "Damn bro, you know that girl from Westbrook? I banged her last night bro."

Person 2: " Naye, you wish bro."
by Metalikzz September 27, 2023
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a way to express disappointment after someone says something embarrassing, weird or disgusting.
Person 1: OMG! I would totally let Diluc put me in a blender, drink me, then spit me out!
Person 2 : naye dude thats weird
by mmmymaaa May 23, 2021
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Its rez slang, rez people say it after a joke or when they say something “funny”
Rez kid: hey bro i want some bepsi fok
Other rez kid: naye
by Jenny nelson May 3, 2022
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To be, crazy, joyful, and happy
Whitnay is very nayful.

Wombanay is a bit too nayful.

Sha-NateNay is a independent nayful black women who don't need no man.
by Whitnay July 14, 2013
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