A word as old as time commonly uttered by angry players and an ancient game known as Call Of Duty
Shut the fuck up you dumbass nigga!

Why would you say the N-word your not even black?
by JelloMAN56 June 26, 2023
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This is to all my fellow white people, please just don’t say the n-word or else I literally won’t talk to you. And don’t say that you can say it because t was a long time ago like bitch no it’s still hurtful and rude to say that so just don’t
Timmy(white) : Hey “n-word” can I call you that?

John(black) :the fuck no you can’t call me that
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Is a word that white people can't use, because that will make them racist. If you heard someone who say that, please don't friend with them unless they apologize.
White Kid: "Hey, n***a, that's not how you do it."
Random person: "*Gasp*! He said the n-word! ."
by Hot sauce99 May 11, 2020
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white people getting away with saying the word nigger
can you pass me the oar n-word jim?
by Ninjew78 December 7, 2008
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A word your not allowed to say but if u do u will get rapped by a big black N word. Don't say the N word
I will never say the N word because I will get boned
by Add me on ps4: NateIvi November 14, 2019
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It stands for Nigerian-wiggly orange raining dick (N-word).
Black guy: I just N-worded her last night!
Other guy: Damn you're lucky because I'm a virgin still!
by Cyber Racc June 16, 2020
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