This involves building a large pile of faeces, over a period of months, keeping it stored in a cool, dry place to esnure maximum conservation. One should then invite their partner over for a 'romantic dinner'. Following this, an invitation to Moris Dance. Whilst dancing force them into the cupboard and rub their face in the excrement. Then lock the cupboard, and proceed to ejaculate on the door handle, mixing it with superglue. Then proceed to sing the swedish national anthem until she can get out of the cupboard. Upon exiting her hand will become glued to the door handle, and mixed with the giz. Then shit on her feet and invite a swedish man over to regail her with a tale of the old country of sweden.
Last night I gave some girl with one leg The Swedish Moris Dance. She called the police and I'm facing 3 years in jail.
by Justice Crime February 1, 2007
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TNT-Memento Mori is a crew a RDR2 that supports a pedophile. The TNT part is an abbreviation for Trash n Terrible. Owner of the crew is TNT-MIKKIM_, but he hides like a pussy on alternate accounts.
TNT Memento Mori gets their ass kicked on RDR2 by other crews.
TNT Memento Mori gets slaughtered by Murphy’s Law and hides in the lobby from ML (Murphy’s Law)
by TNT-MIKKIM_ May 8, 2022
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This is a term used by the public, especially on the occasion of mistakes of athletes in sports competitions.
by sanabria153 February 27, 2019
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In Japanese, it means forest. In Latin it means Death. In YouTube, it's the catchphrase of a one-year channel, and a VTuber rapper.
by coconods August 8, 2021
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Someone who is super sensitive and is a stenchy dog that smells like fried onion.
Person 1: Look at that dude, he's such a Mori!
Person 2: Yeah, you smell that?!
Person 3: Right!
by pink pearl but with a six pack October 10, 2020
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King Julian’s way of pronouncing “Maurice” from Madagascar.
Heloo?? Moris??”
by vinile August 22, 2020
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