a blonde haired pedophile who spends his days roaming the streets of his local city in search of little boys to disembowel
guy 1: hey what the fuck is that pedo doing to that little boy
guy 2: thats milky, he is addicted to rape
by hashbrick321 January 28, 2011
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a whitetrash dopehead from the suburbs
that likes nedan.
no one fucks and smokes like milky
by milky November 9, 2003
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(Adjective) describing a group of people as mostly white.
I was worried about sending my daughter to A&M cause it’s a milky college.
by Plainwhiteguy May 22, 2019
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Wet Milky, slang in the United Kingdom for a milkshake.
Oi mate, me and some lads are going to toss a wet milky at Farage!
by S rothsteiner July 3, 2019
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Weird white stuff that come out of peepee when peepee become big
“Wow I got hard peepee and peepee milky just come out”

“I just peepee milky’d”
by Large pp man May 5, 2019
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Strawberry Milky is a variant of the term "Strawberry Milkster".
I drink strawberry milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I guess I'm something of a Strawberry Milky!
by FrenchPea January 13, 2020
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