Deceiving millions of people into thinking that your imaginary girlfriend died and then lying about it to the media to try and generate publicity.
Manti Teo pullend the full manti in an attempt to win the Heisman Trophy.
by nanananananananana Batman January 17, 2013
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The outlines of tighty whities through a mans even tighter pants.
Awwww, sweet Jesus, I can see Jeff's Manty Lines!
by Angry Token Office Guy September 29, 2006
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Farts can be and should be used as weapons. after sitting on a creamy brew for some time, one will impress or scare his/her buddies by grasping both thighs and spreading them like that of a praying mantis' arms, the fart will then explode out the anus causing a smooth or chunky stream of awesome for all to taste.
chris: no!
JP: yes:)
Jermain: time for a farting mantis!
Onikka: ew thats odd but great!
by funky rabbi December 1, 2011
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<Mntz> love you Wazzie :x
<Wazzie> love you mntz
*Mntz hugs Wazzie
by Anonymous April 8, 2003
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1: (verb) To be on an online dating site, pretending to be a hot girl.

2: (noun) A dumbass football player, dating an undercover fatass on the internet.
1. I went to meet my sexy internet girlfriend yesterday; it turned out she was just a fatass motherfucker Manti Te'oing me.

2. Manti Te'o cried for days over his fake girlfriend dying of cancer before he realized that he had been played by a fatass motherfucker.
by Philonoesis December 31, 2014
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when a guy's pants are so tight you can see his underwear lines.
I got a face full of manty lines today as I was walking up the crowded subway steps.
by Stephanie Ellis September 11, 2005
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