A slang way to say "penis envy" by a man for another man's (supposedly) much larger junk.
"Joe is humongous downstairs, if you know what I mean."

"Dude, get over it. You're just junk jealous."

by al-in-chgo March 12, 2010
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What happens to a girls Pussy when she is getting it pumped in her ass
I had her on her back and pumping her ass. Her pussy lips were flapping and bitching because it was a jealous pussy
by BigAlGz March 21, 2021
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Mainly girls, that are so jealous, they are almost psychotic. These girls are jealous of a boyfriend or a friend you have a 'thing' with, they will stalk this boy and make fun of you through wall posts on his facebook. Also, they arn't very pretty. Basically, they should get a life.
That girl is sucha jealous pyscho, she just made fun of me on my guy friends wall on facebook, and she wont leave him alone.
by BiigD December 14, 2010
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Being jealous of another mans' junk.
When Bill saw Mike's huge package, He was Junk Jealous.
by DJ_Schmidty October 31, 2009
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cock jealousy.
All women do it. Even if they never ever ever sleep with you; if you tell them your banging someone they get instantly jealous and will become erratic.
You - "So I'm banging this totally hot chick."
Friend - "Who's that slut?"
You - "My new fuck buddy (insert name here.)"
Friend - "(Thinking) I am so totally cock jealous right now. He never fucks me!"
You - "(Thinking) What a cock jealous bitch."
by t0mpee January 3, 2011
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When you boyfriend or girlfriend get mad when you do anything such as hang out with your friends,homework, spend time with family etc.
Luis Rubio is overly jealous that I want to do my homework instead of talk to him.
by allaroundmaineyadigg May 26, 2009
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