When a person older than you acts liek a little kid and post retarted definitions on a website that don't make any sense ad recive little acclaim and noone likes the joke's other than other immatures people like them selves
by Anonymous May 7, 2003
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A word boring people use to describe fun people
" You're so immature..." " I know."
by LovethisAJ February 10, 2015
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When Your 14 Year old son Looks up ballsack on the urban dictionary and Calls his friend a ballsack
by JudgeJudyMothafuckas May 14, 2018
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The act of being immature

the term became popular on the evening of 4/19/04

the term originates from one emily O.
that bitch was filled with immatureness
by Taylor April 20, 2004
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The act of an individual whom talks about random, immature things such as farts, and puts them into rhythm. The person doesn't not stop singing about immature items until there is some consequence in his actions of his singing such as being muted by everyone in his Xbox party.
"Why wont Stephen stop singing about his farts smelling like dictionaries?"
"Its because he has immature persistence!"
"Alright I am muting him"
by AwesomeSawceMgeeFTW August 25, 2012
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When you act like a child and throw a tantrum and end friendships over different poltical opinions that don't align with your own.
"Wow.. Mr DiscoPup is so politically immature!! He got upset and defriended me on Facebook because I have a different political opinion than his."
by McThizzle May 9, 2016
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Immature love is when it's a love that will only last a brief time it's not marriage love it's child love
Hey look at them to they are in love.
Too bad it's only immature love and not real love
by dsfdgfsdgsf March 16, 2017
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