Is a putrid mole who is able to hide the stench of her disco pussy...
One who often drops at arq (or is banned)
G=MC dropped Dah Dah Dah
They often make high pitched and irritating noises and need to be put in the corner for time out.
by BDGurl May 31, 2011
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This word means someone who looks dirty, or they stank. Hair is not done, clothes are dirty, teeth aint brushed,etc. This word can also mean someone who thinks that they look good, but they dont.
C.E.O. "Oh wee, there goes Big Bertha with all them tight-ass clothes on. She's got some nerve, thinkin' she looking all good with all them stomachs hangin' out!"

Billy: " Shit,that's yo girl over there, looking a hot mess!!

C.E.O. " She took all that time in the mirror, thinkin she da shit, she aint nothing but a hot mess!"
by C.E.O. December 2, 2006
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someone who would by no other means be sexy but for some odd reason is. Most likely due to their disregard for self, or humor, or just kuz they're dumbasses
Wow, that adam brody is a hotmess.
by tippimeister February 28, 2005
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A wide range of attractive, beautiful women that usually has unlikeable characteristic such as mental or emotional issues and bad habits and that she might end up putting her friends or partner in an uncomfortable predicament. She is therefore treated as a person who nobody wants to take seriously.
Mike: I saw Diane sniffing all that junk herself last night in a friend's party when I accidentaly barged on the toilet.

Bryan: I used to have a crush on that girl back in high school. She was so hot with those pom-poms.

Mike: Still is, man. What a hot mess she's become though.
by The_Stranger August 9, 2012
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Usually the result of a hangover, a hot mess can be described as the diahrea or abnormal bowel movements you have the morning after a night of heavy drinking.
"Where's chris?"
"Oh, he's in the bathroom makin' a hot mess"
by james613 November 9, 2005
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Someone who is just Drunk and you trully can't understand a word they say and eventually pass out and sometimes they can crap in the pants or throw up
Sandy- Girl, Gina looks pretty wasted.

Susy- Yup, she drank alot.

Gina- Hicup! hey ladies muchachas Pprrrr Estoy Pedo..Pr.

Sandy- Gina your a HOt mess.
by Greg HO August 27, 2009
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When you usually do not care about your appearance yet you are still attractive
Damn, that girl Tiffany always looks like a hot mess!
by shadysarah February 19, 2015
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