To expel an object (usually food) through the nose.
I laughed so hard I horked a grape.
by eatslikeahuman August 7, 2007
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to speak roughly or basely
to talk like an ignoramus
He horked orders to the other rednecks.
by writergirl88 July 15, 2011
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To squirt fluid out of your nose, ie. beer, in the midst of uncontrollable laughter
HAHAHA I just horked beer out of my nose.
by KlassyChris August 23, 2011
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foul smelling whale vomit commonly used as an insult.
"what smells like freaking porpoise hork?"
by lilryry May 17, 2006
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That goop thats regurgitated during a belch after a large meal.

Also an insult for a particularly annoying person
After dinner I belched up a hork wad that set my sinuses on fire.

Look you hork wad, you're starting to get me really honked off.
by budgieramone January 14, 2004
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