He's a hobo
by anonymous November 12, 2003
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Hobo is a homeless person and there name often starts with s
by Heyhobo May 30, 2018
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a person who lives on the streets begging for food or drug money, sometimes pretends to be blind, sometimes plays an instrument i.e a guitar, and sometimes lives in a box. usually has a lot of hair and/or a beard
by hobo powers August 13, 2003
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Random people on the street who constantly ask you for money. when you do give them money they spend it on drugs and alcohol. This is when you pascal them and kill them
Joe:Hey Bob did you see those hobos on the street the other day?

Bob: Yeah I did someone mustve pascal'd them. Then MURDERED THEM!!!
Joe:Probably because they took the epic beard man's money and were going to use it on alcohol.
by bobo the monkey guy June 4, 2012
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a popular type of clothing style, sometimes called bohemian
Have you seen the gold and silver hobo bags on sale at Target?
by Kim-Chan December 5, 2005
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A homeless drunk who falls asleep beside St.Anthony's Catholic school because it reminds him of his poor, smelly box.
Hey, You F@*&in' Hobo!
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