An extremely overused phrase said when someone makes a mistake
Hahahaha he didn't even come close to passing the easiest class in the school, what an epic fail
by Mountaindewizsik January 18, 2010
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to fail in such a way people will ask you how the fuck did you do that or to be obliterated off of a game for doing something stupid that could have been avoided
1)to epic fail in total failing status and to be annihilated from the face of the earth for no apparent reason

2)to be like the titanic and sink your self on a ice berg you could have rammed in to and lived

3) throwing a diamond over the edge of a moving boat

4)ramming a car into the roof when all the spots are taken up by fellow cars
by dark lord wolf July 20, 2009
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An annoying as all fuck "internet meme" or trend used by people who aren't innovative enough to come up with an appropriate term, expression, watch too much Attack of The Show, or spend over 8 hours behind a computer.
Boy 1: Did you see that airplane take off and crash?! Dude, "EPIC FAIL"!

Boy 2: Epic----what?

Boy 1: You don't know what "Epic Fail" means, bro?

Boy 2: Being that the word "fail" isn't an adjective, I do now.
by Zeye May 5, 2009
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A failure so large and obvious it has to have its own catagory.
Guy 1: Dude, I just missed an A on my test by 1 point.
Guy 2: Which one did you miss?
Guy 1: I spelled my name wrong.
Guy 2: *shakes head* Epic Fail
by RevolverMonroe December 9, 2009
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An impossible, improbable, occurrance that is only achieved by the lower part of our society. But if you occomplish a fail that is impossible, than in theory, it could be labled an "epic fail."
Parking your car in your roof is, in theory, an "epic fail."
by chiefjoboo June 29, 2009
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an epic fail is a term used when something unexpectedly funny happens or is happening.
A Sign that says "We sell the best GLASS" and the G and L have been blown away so it says "We sell the best ASS" Epic Fail


A Coca Cola truck carrying Pepsi products.Epic Fail
by Simpsonfan15 February 28, 2010
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