The sacred moment when divine consciousness emerged and awakened from an otherwise disorderly and chaotic universe.
A spiritual or energetic awakening which can be though of as being reborn, an individual’s Epiphany Of The Din could be their rise to spiritual and temporal awareness.
by IronMikey April 4, 2023
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A word or phrase to end conversation when you either agree or disagree or just do not want to partake in conversation.
Mr. Ben, could you please print me a copy of your last report of training...
Ben’s response is alright din.

Mr. Ben may I please take time off to go see my family?

Mr. Ben’s response is alright din.
by Kyle6534 July 24, 2018
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Swe - Din mamma är så fet att då rullade över två femtioäringar blev det en enkrona.

Eng - Yo mama so fat she rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar!
by Din Mamma January 1, 2008
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Having lunch and dinner at the same time
having a meal between lunch and dinner also called lunch-a din
by Junior-kayla February 28, 2010
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performing oral sex on a lady
I love dinning at the Y
by txdaddy January 13, 2006
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Someone from the Din Clan who is awesome and very bizarre. Very likely to be of a destructive, crazy, wackadoo decent.

Also known as a Dinnie.
A kid blows up a house.
"Wow... he must be from Din."
"Yeah, what a Dinnie."
by Lord J. W. Turniphead, Esq December 29, 2007
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A false promise primarily based on a Good Advertisement, Campaign or in rare cases... assurances of Indian Prime Minister
Person 1 : "I can't believe I lost 10 Million Dollar. My bank went bankrupt"
Person 2: Don't worry Bro, "Acche Din" will be here.
by bikaumedia March 12, 2020
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