To be such a drunken mess and a lightweight that upon imbibing copious amounts of alcohol you are rendered involuntarily unconscious and unable to be wrested from your slumber.
I’m such a mess, I got so drunk at that party the other night that I did a mel and woke up on the couch on my own and everyone had gone home
by Lorenstinks February 2, 2012
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Did you seriously just upvote that one definition that said NOT TO UPVOTE IT
by Fish money May 6, 2020
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Phrase originating from the Simpsons, used in response to fans pointing out plot holes, continuity errors, and any mistakes the animators or writers may've made.
Voice Actor: "Whenever you see something strange with continuity, a wizard did it."

Fan: "But when-"

Voice Actor: "a wizard did it."
by Fats McRobot November 17, 2004
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An excuse used to clear your status from a stupid act that you performed.

It basically comes from the idea that all events have shirts, regardless of how great the event really was.
Guy 1: I can't believe you banged her...
Guy 2: Yeah, I just did it for the shirt
Gu1 1: What shirt?
Guy 2: You know, the 'I banged your mom last night' shirt...
by Wardrich December 13, 2006
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Phrase used to describe an accomplishment that cannot be adequately summed up with another phrase. Due to its informal nature, it is usually used for minor accomplishments, usually among close friends. It rarely is used negatively or sarcastically.
After getting a small part in the community play, Jamie's friends congratulated him, saying "Jamie did a do."
by Nater K September 20, 2015
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A term that the person Anonymous #88,001 obviously has no clue about.

The term originally appeared in August 2010 on the chat room when one user told a BS story that got everyone enraged and then blamed her actions on her made up sister "Tia".
Tia Creator: It wasn't me who did it.
Brock: Who was it then?
Tia Creator: My sister.
Brock: What's your sister's name?
Tia Creator: Tia.

Translation: Tia Did It
by ADawg7 April 6, 2011
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From the Wise words of CatsWithSMGS when you don’t know who to blame Joker Did it!
Guy 1: Fuck bro did you hit my car!!!

Guy 2: Joker Did it!
by Karooloe October 23, 2020
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