Barbra, Leonardo, Jane, Arnold, Greta, Bono, Amal and Al are in an elevator but someone trumped.

The first climate emergency was called and everyone flew home in their private jets except Greta who was left in the shit.
Meanwhile at Dr Evil’s ad agency.

“I think they’re on to us but we must stay one step ahead. First there was the “ice age”, then “global warming”, “climate change”, “no Planet B” and now “climate emergency”. I think maybe it’s time for “scorched earth” that will tax them.”

“Who is behind this “climate emergency” campaign?”
“Rich old farts.”
by Option 22 February 5, 2020
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A theory that is the consensus among all of the truly BASED and EPIC climate scientist that jewish nazi Greta Thunberg is planning to do the Pearl Harbor of climate change.
Vaush: You do understand that 97% of scientists agree with me that there is a correlation between CO2 emissions and temperature rise, right?

Dumbass Climate Denialist: Well actually that is a cringe and unepic alternative fact that someone who isn't well versed in the eternal science of Alden's Climate Theory would say
by Maldin' Alden October 13, 2020
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A constant flow of rain which. looks a lot like diarrhea (except for the colour)
Ey i am drowning in climatal diarrhea!

It dont matter...drown
by kapers June 29, 2005
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noun, Psychoanalysis.

1. a pronounced striving to neutralize and conceal the effect of extreme climate on one's person by substituting for it with opposite behaviors.

Examples include wearing shorts in the middle of winter in Minnesota or drinking hot cocoa on a 60 degree day in Florida. This can also include remarks such as, "40 below really isn't that cold in Fargo" or "100 degrees is quite comfortable; we don't have the humidity here in Tucson."
Mark's severe Climate Overcompensation Syndrome led him to shopping for a parka after he felt unprepared for the 50 degree morning in we had last week here in Miami.
by CLL January 12, 2016
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Something braindead retards and boomers created because they don't want to admit that their generation fucked up the earth for the rest of humanity. They tend to lack any evidence possible and believe the 3% of scientists. Their brains have been deformed and intoxicated from all the co2 they have ingested, when asked to give evidence they will shout, bring lumps of coal to parliament and down gasoline. Reasons for being a climate change denier include, being lazy, greedy ass fat fucks in their mansions and refusing to admit their mistakes despite the clear evidence to support that this is a real and serious issue.
dumbass: Climate change is crap! because I'm too lazy and too stupid to see reason.

intelligent person: Ok boomer

climate change denial in practice
by king-juju December 10, 2019
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The green energy and conservation industry which promotes alternative energy sources and conservation measures to combat global climate change.
A climate-industrial complex is needed to combat global climate change, especially with politicians only listening to the lobbies and multi-national corporations.
by mlhiss January 10, 2020
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The new phrase for Climate Change:

After the massive carbon creating climate meetings at Copenhagen failed this phrase was to be the new name of Climate Change, which just a year prior was known as Global Warming, which 35 years ago was known as Global Cooling.

On the official website for Climate Disruption they explain that it's now a more "accurate" term than Climate Change and Global Warming, which are now believed to be bullshit by the general public.
Ignorant Greenie: Ohhh noes, a Hurricane, Florida is suffering from severe Global Climate Disruption!!!

Me: It's called Hurricane Season and has been happening for thousands of years.
by thetrapper December 28, 2011
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