There are two different definitions for the word "cigarette".

Here they are:

Smoker: The fag of your life. You can trust it, you can thrust it, you can suck it, you can fuck it. It makes my day. You would go mow the lawn for mommy and daddy just to have money to buy another pack. You would risk getting put in jail by using a fake ID JUST to buy another pack. People tell you it's addicting, you tell them that you COULD quit, you just don't want to.

Look at it like this, if you didn't smoke, you would never randomly go outside to get some fresh air and what could be more unhealthy than being inside all day...

Non-smoker: "Smoking a FUCKING smelly-addicting-disgusting cigarette!"

Well, as for the non-smoker, FUCK YOU! If we are no closet smoker in front of you, we obviously don't "give a hoot about what you think"-Weezer, yaaa.

So, in short, cigarettes are pretty cool and I donts gives a fuck if I die.


"Nooo! Look! She's just smoking a delicious cigarette!"


by Nehmrack July 11, 2008
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The very evil and wretched thing that took away my grandfather when I was just 7 years old!
I watched my grandfather die of lung cancer from smoking cigarettes, and it is something I don't want happening to me or anybody else I care about. Go ahead and rate me down all you want! Just know that I am just speaking from experience, and that the ratio of thumbs up to thumbs down will no affect me at all!
by MetalHead16 October 22, 2010
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Cig-a-rette – noun

1. A consumable product used for enhancing appearance and social aptitude. Also causes worries to melt away.

2. A delicious treat demonized in Nazi Germany as a genetic poison to Aryans whilst blaming and marginalizing minorities for their use.

3. The perfect device for relaxation that can help to prevent Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease,
1. Cool smoker 1: That busted chick over there has potential to be a hottie.

Cool smoker 2: I can see that; you should give her a cigarette to fix her.

2. Non-smoker bitch: Hey smoker guy, smoking is bad for you and causes cancer.

Cool smoker guy: Hitler didn’t smoke, and he killed about six million Jews. You don’t hate Jews, do you?

Non-smoker bitch: Oh, well I don’t want to be an Anti-Semite… Mind if I bum one?

3. Pussy: You know; cigarettes kill you, right?

Cool smoker guy: The oldest recorded person smoked from the time she was 21 to the time she was 117?

Pussy: Huh, I didn't know that. I suppose my argument is debunk.

Cool smoker guy: Well then, GTFO pussy.
by CoolSmokerGuy March 7, 2010
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--- The very articles of addiction and death that are robbing me of one of my favorite friends, his wife of her husband, his children of their Dad and him of the rest of his life.

--- The things I will never again pick up for the rest of MY life and I will attempt to slap out of the mouth of every person I know and love.

--- Cigarettes, What ignorant people in all their infinite wisdom refer to when they say "I know they're gonna kill me and I don't give a fuck." Yeah asshole? Well, you're mother gives a fuck, your friends give a fuck, your children, your sister, and when the day comes and cancer is rotting away your insides and your life and you're clinging desperately on for a cure YOU TOO WILL GIVE A FUCK!
by Sarah Beane May 6, 2008
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Tobacco rolled in a paper usually w/ a filter and smoked. Marlboro's are good and most of the rest aint that good. i only smoke 1-2 a day, at max 4. i do it socially, when im cold or bored. this way isnt that harmful but when u smoke a pack a day thass bad.
If someone smokes it might not be b/c there trying to be "cool" like everyone says, like me and my friends smoke socially b/c were bored,theres nothing else to do.
I like Marlboro Reds or lights, but ultra lights feel like ur not even smokin. oh ya and i gotta use the word i defined so here it is: cigarette
by Ranger Rimjob February 18, 2006
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A highly addictive drug weak-minded people smoke as an excuse for their shitty "stressful" lives. Most smokers started up because of peer pressure, since they can't be their own person they have to follow their (supposed) friends' trend and kill themselves, just to fit in.

Many smokers claim "this is my last pack, I'm quitting tomorrow" when in reality, they dont have the willpower and probibly will never quit.

If the smoker goes without one for a few days, they turn into a violent, nasty, spiteful, depressive moaning cunt until they get their daily fix, how very attractive for the oposite sex.

One of the biggest money-grabbing schemes the Government has come up with, by taxing cigarettes so much, not only do they take your hard earned cash, it also fuels their corrupt regimes and funds "the war on terror".

Smokers convince themselves they're in the right, and somehow higher and mightier than non-smokers, because they "dont give a shit" despite their massive money defeceit, smelly clothes, bad breath and ill health. Well, just keep convincing yourselves guys.

Modern cigarettes are packed with chemicals to make the tobacco burn quicker and more addictive so the user will spark up another one straight after, since after 3 drags or so its gone. Now tell me, would you settle for watered-down, low alchoholic beer? I didnt think so either.

The fortunate few who see the error of their ways and quit wondered why they bothered at all, as the negatives easily outweigh the positives. Good for you, you've seen the light.
hahahaha you're going to die of cancer, how I laugh, as you spend all your money on cigarettes.
by mr spanky August 7, 2006
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A Highly toxic, extremely addictive yellowy brown plant material rolled up in rice paper, Can (more often than not) or Cannot be Filtered, Smoking cuts 15-20 years off your life and smokers have more rates of infectious diseases than us non-smokers
smoking cigarettes kill people, they taste like shit, smell like shit and put nonsmokers from going into bars as we come out of the pubs smelling like a truckload of shit has been dumped on us.
by brother_number_one July 27, 2003
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