When a so called friend says they will call you back but never do.
Brad told me 2 weeks ago he was going to call me back and never did, looks like he boboed me.
by Tulsa Time February 17, 2023
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When a so called friend says they will call you back and never do.
John said he was going to call me back 2 weeks ago, looks like he boboed me.
by Tulsa Time February 17, 2023
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BOBO can be defined as a fictional object that is used to achieve transcendence, which is the state of being beyond the physical world or ordinary experience. It is often depicted in fictional stories as a powerful artifact or object with mystical or supernatural properties that allows its user to attain a higher state of consciousness or spiritual enlightenment.

The nature and properties of BOBO may vary depending on the fictional universe in which it is portrayed. However, in general, it is often considered a rare and valuable item that is sought after by those seeking spiritual or mystical experiences.

It's important to note that BOBO is a fictional item and has no basis in reality. It exists solely in the context of fictional stories and should not be considered a real object or concept.

- Bobo; Pronoun, Noun, Adjective, Symbol, Object
“I SHALL REIGN THIS WORLD WITH THE BOBO POWER” - Albert Einstein { The adventures of Xavier the renegade angel}

The bobo sculpture is perfect in every way!” - Someone named Sun Tzu
by DoeWobo2010 May 11, 2023
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Means kid that is always misused by some roblox noob/basicly just some kid for losing, rage or used because the word 'baby' is tagged by roblox
Occurs every time in roblox arsenal or some kind of gun game
xXnoobPWNerXx just won
Some kid :bobo
xXnoobPWNerXx :what do you mean kid
The kid didn't anwser because he's just bad
by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) September 16, 2019
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its just a bozo, but a 7yr old on roblox tried to spell it
bobo is a slang term used against anyone to highlight their stupidity
"you are a bobo"
by cum tasergun March 20, 2023
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a bobo is something that is comically short
Fred: yo, check out my tree trunk
Don: nah bro, that's a bobo
by Treidex (Semextetry) July 3, 2023
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An english man who runs the BDL and Hates Islam and Muslims!
I hate muslims amd Islam now thats a BOBO
by Lee Jinho April 7, 2019
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