An very popular anime show / manga series that was cancelled. It features a variety of hair colors, which they probably got by using the series name.
Guy: Hey, have you watched Bleach before?

Other Guy: What’s bleach? A drink?
by The Dark Side Will Claim You August 12, 2018
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Used as a response to something so disgusting or awful you want to cleanse yourself of any association with it.
"Did you hook up with Joseph?" "Bleach"
"Hey let me send you a dick pic" "Bleach"
by hollhead August 8, 2017
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Facts of bleach
#1the best show ever period
#2up to like episode 160 in america
#3up to like 264 in japan
kick ass bleach episodes are extremely common
by KingZangetsu March 17, 2010
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A drink originated from California.

23% Total Fat 15g.
28% Saturated Fat 5.6g.
13% Cholesterol 40mg.
33% Sodium 790mg.
7% Potassium 229mg.
1% Total Carbohydrates 2.6g.
0% Dietary Fiber 0g.
Sugars 0g.
Fuck man, I wish I was sipping bleach right now.
by Get away dad! February 27, 2019
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An good manga where a kid discovers that Sosuke Aizen is actually his father, and that he must save the world before demons come out and kill people. The saddest part is Rukia, who ironically is given the death penalty by her best friend and brother, Ren-ji.

From what I understand, I think the story starts out in a haunted town where the kid named Ichigo is seeing ghosts. He soon kicks a girl named Rukia who tells him that he’s a ghost. Not just any ghost, though: she is a Soul Reaper, and she’s the soul society. He denies it so she summons a demon. The demon starts attacking her though, so she gives the kid her powers or something and he kills the demon and starts killing more demons. I lost interest at one point, so I skipped the chapters and got to the part where the antagonist, Sosuke Aizen, tells Ichigo that he is his father and that he’s been there since he was born. Ichigo denies it so he fights him. The two duke it out.

I’d give it a 4/5; it’s better than Naruto and Pokemon, but it gets boring very quickly. All he does is fight and fight and fight, so the story never really progresses. I mainly looked at the pictures in the manga and didn’t read too much of it because I thought it was tedious, but I’d recommend it to anyone who likes mangas.
Guy 1: "Hey dude have you ever read Bleach"
Guy 2: "Yeah"
by Pie Thief August 15, 2019
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Gary: Yo did you guys hear about the thing Trump said about bleach??
Jared: Yah bruh I injected myself with a gallon last night!
Nadia: I guess you won’t die from Corona then...
Jared: wait what
by Thebirdman567 May 15, 2020
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