It is to reverse up a hill in neutral.
by Iguggiuiug January 10, 2020
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The acceleration towards the center of the circle is known as centripetal acceleration.

An object traveling in a circular path may have a constant speed, but it is not traveling in a straight line. The velocity and direction are changing as velocity is a vector. A change in velocity means the object is accelerating.
by physicsnoob:p September 12, 2020
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The quote you usually hear from friendly Lúcio when you expect him to heal you up.
- Genji: 199/200 "I need healing!"
by EverLast1ng_ April 26, 2018
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A program for little smart overachievers that kids join in 7th grade not knowing what they’re walking into. All it does is gives You more homework and stress and sometimes parties but that’s it. The VAP kids definitely need to be humbled.
Oh! You’re a VAP kid?? Imagine being smart enough for Space Coast VAP (Viper accelerated program)
by cheesyburnttoast69420 January 20, 2022
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A Magnetic Acceleration Reactor (MAR) is a reactor that's invented by a Roblox group called Cosmic Science Inc; it generate power using magnetic forces and plasma from cells.
Breeze: Do you know how to replace cells in the Magnetic Acceleration Reactor?
Cat: No, but security have the footage.
Breeze: ok
by Mr Forc3 June 22, 2021
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The act of shooting power station transformers with guns in order to destroy society.
Back in July, a handbook on accelerationism was shared among extremist Telegram channels calling for shooters to ignore softer targets and instead try to cause chaotic blackouts by emulating the Metcalf attack on a wider scale.
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey December 28, 2022
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Accelerator is an Anime character from Toaru Series (Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator).

He is 16 years old and 168cm tall. He has white hair, slim body figure and red eyes. In Toaru Majutsu no Index, he was shot in the head, and because of that he needs to wear an electrode on his neck that helps him communicate and crutch that helps him walk. He usually wear white and black clothing.

His ablitity is Vector Manipulating. It's very strong ability and that's why is Accelerator the strongest esper in Academy City. In Toaru Majutsu no Index season 3, he became an angel.

Accelerator's personality is very simple. He is cold, emotionless, but he has a soft spot for Last Order (a clone of Misaka Mikoto he once saved). Misaka Worst (another clone) stated him as a tsundere, because he doesn't like to show his true feelings.
That's Accelerator. The strongest esper in Academy City.
by NightmareRonusok November 21, 2021
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