often associated with sending gay ass pornographic pictures of his albino ass hanging out. Leg is usually proped up on the bathroom counter in a very homosexual way that is usually done by the female gender only. Sometimes and mostly obtaining a small penis and is covered by the propped up leg to hide said item.
"Man i just sent her a Timmy"
"Ew Karen I just got a Timmy from this guy"
by Albino Ass March 22, 2008
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A guy who constantly calls off work.
Man, cody sure is being a timmy this month.
by Mk9559 January 9, 2014
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Timmy is a very attractive and smart guy.A lot of girls that are his friend actually Everyone knows that Timmy is great
by Ollolool November 29, 2017
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A living cunt that looks like Gretchen, he’s also a faggot and everyone knows
See Timmy over there, yeah he’s a faggot
by Sticky boo January 28, 2019
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The name of the most derpy League of Legends summoner ever to walk Valoran. He frequently utters complete nonsense and towerdives at level 1. It is suspected that he may be mentally handicapped, or just incredibly overconfident. He is also a frequent viewer of Apples.mov
Timmy: I can take em'!
Announcer: An ally has been slain!
by The "Z" November 22, 2011
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Props the gayest mother fucker you'll ever meet. He likes to lay in bed at night, cuddle up with a pillow and talk on the phone with guys.
by yoyomaaaaaamaaaa August 1, 2011
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A Cool saucy boy, often the enemies of Emperors of Edge.

Timmy have big schlongs and long dongs and will whip you and your mother if you don't behave.
Better back away, before I go Timmy on you.
by NotUkrianianCheekiBreeki April 6, 2019
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