When you know who gave you Covid the first time so you purposely bump into them when you get it again.
I'm going into work on Monday to give my boss the old Wuhan Revenge.
by Snitty85 September 22, 2023
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Derived from the term ""Wuhan Virus" which was used early on in the pandemic.
"Wuhaned" is used as a verb to quickly describe the process of catching COVID19 with one simple word.
Joe: Bruh I got wuhaned when I went to that party, Someone had the virus there.
by MuneyBoiJ December 23, 2020
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Being tested for COVID 19 while on all fours. One doctor will swab your throat and the other will swab your anus. While testing they will high five in the tradition of the Eiffel Tower.
My doctor's Wuhan Towered me yesterday at the clinic. They both came back negative.
by Pazmania January 28, 2021
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Verb. 1. To dismiss a plausible theory in a ridiculing manner as a "conspiracy theory", as a herdlike mainstream narrative.
2. To dismiss a plausible theory as a "conspiracy theory", as a (concerted) intentional disinformation campaign.
My widespread public concerns are legit, don't wuhan me bro!
by kattloxo June 5, 2021
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Screw up royally then try to obfuscate by suggesting alternative sources for the screw up
Admit it , Donny, you fucked up, we all got fucked over by your fuck up, now stop trying to Wuhan us over it. Nobody believes a fucking bat swapped motor oil for your transmission fluid.
by YJLAW1 August 4, 2021
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The incredulous feeling that is elicited in a person when they are exposed to questionable political statements, especially but not limited to those coming from China and referring to diseases.
"Did you hear the governor's speech on how they got everything under control now?"
"Sure, that was such a Deja Wuhan moment."
by strdn May 7, 2020
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