A trending graffiti name, started in CT and has continued to be seen in neighboring areas of NYC and Boston. Named after the super mario kart character, its simply a graffiti tag.
those goomba tags are lookin sweet in boston
by hiiyaaa March 21, 2012
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the level below sucking balls

1.that sucks dick

2.that sucks balls

3.that sucks goombas
oh fuck i died again

yeah dude you fucking suck goomba s at this game

by jens clark April 12, 2008
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a person who fat, lazy, annoying and resembles a goomba from super mario brothers. just like the goomba that they resemble you also wish that they would die if you jumped on them
-man that fat rebecca chick annoys the shit out of me
-yea what a fukn dumb goomba
by dani_california June 4, 2006
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I read that the root is in the word "campare - tirare a campare, to live from day to day" which became gambare and eventually goomba.
"Hey gambari!"
by Leo November 13, 2003
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In shooters like RTCW and ET when a player jumps on an opponent from a high place in order to kill them.

Also known as "Death from Above"
"Quick, goomba that axis before he can return fire"
by Saxorz January 12, 2005
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